The Film Academy of Cinematic Excellence (FACE Academy), located within the prestigious SJ Studios, is a haven for aspiring filmmakers and creative enthusiasts. Nestled in the heart of this renowned production hub, FACE Academy provides an unparalleled learning experience by blending theoretical education with real-world industry exposure. Students at the academy gain access to SJ Studios state- of-the-art facilities, including professional sets, advanced editing suites, Industry standard film making equipment, enabling them to create portfolios that meet industry standards. The Academy offers an extensive range of courses such as Filmmaking, Cinematography, Film Editing, and Photography. By learning in the same environment where live shoots and professional productions take place, students immerse themselves in the dynamic workflow of the entertainment world. With mentorship from industry veterans, hands-on training, and the opportunity to explore their creativity in a professional setting, FACE Academy equips students with the skills, confidence, and knowledge to thrive in the cinematic arts. It is more than just an educational institution—it is a launchpad for future filmmakers, storytellers, and visual artists who aspire to make their mark in the entertainment industry.
Learning Filmmaking, Cinematography, Film Editing and Photography at FACE Academy, based in the prestigious SJ Studios, offers students unique benefits that set it apart from other film schools. Here are the key USPs (Unique Selling Points):
FACE Academy students train in a fully operational film and television studio, giving them hands-on experience in a real production environment.
FACE academy provides industry-standard cameras, lighting rigs, sound equipment, and perfect editing suites as part of the curriculum
Students receive guidance from mentors who share real-world insights, techniques, and career advice, enhancing their learning and networking opportunities.
FACE Academy students create projects and short films on SJ Studios’ authentic film sets, which include versatile backdrops and spaces tailored for various genres
Students gain firsthand insights into the production process, learning from real-time decision-making, problem-solving, and the collaborative atmosphere of live shoots.
Being based in SJ Studios, FACE Academy provides networking opportunities with production teams, actors & cinematographers present on campus.
The campus of the Film Academy of Cinematic Excellence (FACE Academy) at SJ Studios is a comprehensive facility designed to provide students with the best tools and environment for learning the art and craft of filmmaking. Situated within the renowned SJ Studios, the campus offers modern classrooms equipped with advanced audio-visual technology to facilitate interactive and engaging lectures. Beyond traditional learning spaces, students benefit from access to professional-grade facilities, high-tech editing suites, versatile photography backdrops and much more. The classrooms are designed to accommodate both theoretical instruction and hands-on training, ensuring that students gain a well-rounded education.
The Film Academy of Cinematic Excellence (FACE Academy), located within the prestigious SJ Studios, is a haven for aspiring filmmakers and creative enthusiasts. Nestled in the heart of this renowned production hub, FACE Academy provides an unparalleled learning experience by blending theoretical education with real-world industry exposure.
Fluck, 2020, 6 Min (Chrime Thriller) Writer, Director
Nirmalya,2020 (Social Drama) Writer, Director
Prakruti, 2022, 16 Min (Mystery) Writer, Director
Purush, 2023, 16 Min (Mystery) Writer, Director
DCRH, 2021 (Documentary) Director and Design
Aswasth Ratrinchya Nondi, 2023 (Documentary) Director and Design
Prapancham (Live Multi Camera Dance Show) Producer, writer and designer
Roleplay (Feature) Associate Director, script supervisor
"Way Out" And "Purush" (Feature Films) Story and Screenplay
"Ti Ani To", "Hostel Katta" (Marathi Web Series) Screenplay writer
"Ardh Rati”, “The Seashore” “Kamala” Story and Screenplay (hindi)